Devlog #1 Farmlands

The rough draft of the first zone is finished. Players start in your stereotypical farm town, where they recruit their first rat. Then they take a stroll through some farmlands and deal with a few farm related diversions.

 The graphics are obviously very rough, as I plan to make a horizontal slice of the game first before worrying too much about polish. That way if I need to adjust the size of the map for balancing or adding more events, I won’t have to polish it all over again.

Now that the first zone draft is done, my next target will be setting on the framework of the battle system. With a completed zone I have a testing ground for the battle system to see if it works well and if it's any fun. The current plan right now is to design a turn system similar to FFX. Rats are usually portrayed as agile and crafty, so I feel a battle system that lets you use multiple turns to pull off tactical combos would be a good fit.

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